When you can’t find the sunshine, BE the sunshine.
I realize you’re reading this on your phone or a computer. But imagine for a moment that you’re meeting me in person. Who, exactly, would you see standing before you?
Well… to be honest, there’s really nothing out-of-the-ordinary about me. My name is Christie, and I’m just your average mom who stays busy juggling 3 little kids, a job, a husband and Little Happies Co. If we hit it off right away (which I’m sure we would, because I’m VERY easy to get along with), I’d probably let you in on a little secret. And that is: Most days, my house is a disaster and I feed my family fast food.
I know, I know… You’re wondering why I’m telling you this. I just want you to know the real me – the person behind Little Happies Co and these gifts of encouragement and love. I’d like you to know who I am and why I create them in the first place. In order to tell you the whole story, though, we need to flash back 9 years to when I was 26 years old. That was the year that I accepted Jesus as my Savior.
A whole lot has happened since I became a believer. First off, I’m still a sinner and it’s only by God’s grace that I’m seen as anything otherwise! But incredible things have happened to me… like the fact that I got to experience so many emotions. Some were heart-wrenching. I lost family members who meant everything to me. I felt grief that changed me forever. I watched friends experience their own tragedies. I was hurt deeply by people who I thought loved me. And I hurt others. But life certainly wasn’t all bad. There were times of incredible joy, especially when I witnessed God working in amazing ways. I am grateful for everything I learned in good times and in bad.
All of these experiences inspired me to start Little Happies. I’ve been in the darkness. I know what it feels like to need encouragement… to find the strength to step into the light. I channeled those feelings to create thoughtful gifts, and began handing them out to people around me who needed a little TLC. It felt wonderful to make people smile or tear up because they realized they were cared about. So wonderful, in fact, that I wanted everyone to experience how it felt to give and receive something that made them “a little happy”. And so, Little Happies was born.
Through my store, you can show a little act of love and kindness to someone too. Even if that someone is yourself. When you can’t find the sunshine, BE the sunshine. That’s what Little Happies – and life – is all about!
- Christie Vail, Owner of Little Happies Co